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GOOD-LOOKING, tall, not old but if he's old than he's really handsome.. Married and in love. Very oral here and into kissing, sucking, nipple play and more. Fit, energetic, and takes initiative. Young guy looking for an amazing time.

Status: Divorced

Age: 60

Hair: Auburn

Name: CullinFelver1958

Height: 5' 9"

City: Columbia, Maryland

Firm but fair Daddy/Dom...tender at times but rough when it's called for. Hairy panties massage! I like people. Anal is must. Enjoy meeting new people and good conversation. Past that, ask, I may oblige..As for couples...

Status: Divorced

Age: 29

Hair: Blonde

Name: riedacaffrey

Height: 5' 6"

City: Maple Mount, Kentucky

I am want to turn up the heat a little bit. No string attached.
Looking for free girls NSA FWB, or ??? Mature swinging wife in Canada.
I am a divorced 44 year old white male with a beard and shaved head.

Status: Single

Age: 46

Hair: Grey

Name: TanishaCann1976

Height: 5' 9"

City: Saint Elizabeth, Missouri

Recently separated, divorce pending. I am interested in meeting a guy that is funny, adventurous, easy-going and someone I can connect and smoke with outside the bedroom. Unknown stranger sex.
I enjoy open-minded, funny people who are engaged and interested in the world around them and can talk intelligently about it. 0i like happy people.size,colour or age just be happy. Let's see if we can vibe.

Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 44

Hair: Grey

Name: AnthonyJ1312

Height: 5' 8"

City: Edmonton, Alberta

I love being the odd one in the bunch.

Always QUALITY over quantity!

Status: Single

Age: 29

Hair: Brown

Name: YummMe886

Height: 5' 8"

City: Gloucester, Massachusetts

Fae and furries to the front. Just be cool and genuine. Me I am also open mined to.We are both fun to play with.WE are not looking for SINGLE MEN at this time. A must see.

But there is one place in my heart for men over 50 AND FURRY.

Status: Married

Age: 48

Hair: Chestnut

Name: NessaTesch427

Height: 5' 0"

City: Worley, Idaho

We are looking for some fun people to connect with in my area. An Honest man that enjoys having sex often .

Status: Single

Age: 60

Hair: Black

Name: MemphisSatyr

Height: 5' 6"

City: Cando, North Dakota

My ideal person would have to be beautiful on the inside as well as the outside and petite . Tell me your fantasy! In a relationship, but looking for some discreet fun with no strings I also have a few tattoos I can send pictures if your interested.

I'm a quiet person who likes to be at home. Me looking to fuck Beaumont, TX bi-sexual women dating. Also, I'm college educated, so I'm able to hold an intelligent conversation if that interest you. I don't have a specific goal in mind, but free girls would love to see more of the world than he had previously.

Status: Single

Age: 54

Hair: Blonde

Name: Paulette1973

Height: 5' 6"

City: Jamestown, Missouri

Looking for some one fun down to earth open minded and free spirited. Always accommodating.

Hi guys, I'm Alissa, a little shy but fun girl. I offer both and services and ilium available 24/7 hmu anytime. Dont like really pushy people,lets take it slow and get to know each other. I have worked in multiple countries, enjoy trying new foods and love to cook! Gloves gyno latex.

Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 23

Hair: Blonde

Name: fullertonbabe20

Height: 5' 3"

City: Southeastern Yukon, Yukon

One that is seeking communication / passion / romance. You want a fat ass bottom? I do not enjoy a quiet finisher... Average size, good stamina, big loads. Hot naked sluts phone number.
I have a good job, I own my house where I live alone, and am looking for some fun at first.

Status: Separated

Age: 36

Hair: Black

Name: sexysub369

Height: 5' 7"

City: Worley, Idaho

Not from Fresno but live and work here now so I don't know many ppl. That said the Summers and the winters are great in LA.
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